2008-08-10 - DCRRC XC Picnic


3 miles @ ~12 min/mi

Christina Caravoulias tells me about a DC Road Runners Club cross-country race nearby, at the fancy Langdon School for boys in Bethesda. It's only $5 for nonmembers, and the big draw is that there's a catered picnic afterwards — free food! I arrive early, say hi to John Way and Warren Prunella, and visit with Priscila Prunella who is still coming back from bad injury and infection. Chris appears and we chat about the course, her race yesterday, etc. Thunderstorms loom but drift by to our south giving us only a light sprinkle during the first mile. Priscila trots ahead as Christina and I enjoy the cool breezes and canter along pine-needle-cushioned paths. Late in the race a runner lies on the ground with several others in attendance; we pause to offer water and whatever other aid we can, but are waved off. (We later hear that she is temporarily felled by an asthma attack but soon recovers.) Chris and I finish in 80th and 81st place respectively out of 82 finishers. A six-year-old boy beats us by 6 minutes and an eight-year-old girl comes in 13 minutes in front of us. Picnic food tastes excellent—but do I eat far too much, or is something on my plate tainted, or is there an incompatibility with my digestive system? For whatever reason(s) I arrive home to find that I've gained 3 lbs., but after a bit of intestinal "distress" (don't ask!) am back to normal the next morning.

^z - 2008-08-24

(correlates: LowProfile, BringIt, UncivilServants, ...)